Zara Noor Abbas Celebrating her Birthday with her Family

A time came in my life when I stopped placing importance to my birthday and thought it was just another day and there is nothing to celebrate about it. And after months of darkness, i stepped into light and realised how important my existence was to myself. No matter if anyone wants to celebrate me or not, I shall and must celebrate myself. My happiness can’t rely on other people making me happy. And I decided to take a day off this year and celebrate myself. But little did I know, that this man, who speaks very little and looks very deeply, had it all planned. I am all about surprises and this one was the best one ever.

My Amma was with me. My daughter was with me. My family was with me. And some of my really close and genuine ones were with me ( except a few them missing ) – and this was it. THE BEST. BIRTHDAY. EVER.

On my birthday I was a Mother.. A daughter. A wife. And a friend. It was full circle. Like everything was in place. Just where it was supposed to be. Just how I am supposed to be and with who I am supposed to be.
Thank you to each and everyone who wished me, prayed for me and genuinely wished me luck and health. I do not want anything but just genuine and heartfelt love and wishes.