Actor Shahood Alvi’s daughter, Areeja Alvi, recently celebrated her Dholki event, marking the beginning of her wedding festivities. The joyous occasion was filled with love, laughter, and traditional celebrations, bringing together family and close friends.
Areeja looked stunning in a beautifully embroidered outfit, complemented by elegant jewelry and soft makeup, perfectly embracing the traditional Dholki vibes. The event featured lively dhol beats, mehndi rituals, and vibrant decor, creating a festive atmosphere. Guests enjoyed music, dance, and heartfelt moments as they celebrated Areeja’s special day.
Proud father Shahood Alvi, a well-known name in the Pakistani entertainment industry, was seen enjoying the event with his daughter, making the occasion even more special. Pictures and videos from the Dholki went viral on social media, with fans and fellow celebrities sending their best wishes and prayers for Areeja’s new journey. The celebration truly reflected love, tradition, and happiness.